How Cricket Fashion And Mining Organizations Adopted Cloud For Data Success

How Cricket Fashion And Mining Organizations Adopted Cloud For Data Success

There are as many reasons behind cloud analytics projects as there are organizations undertaking them. Despite the diversity of use cases, there are common threads that run through almost all of these projects. With more than 100 big data projects under our belts, we’ve seen four general business drivers spurring organizations to move their data analytics to a cloud-based enterprise data platform. We categorize these drivers under these categories: Seeing (gaining insights on business performance), Predicting (identifying patterns to make business decisions based on probable future outcomes), Creating (creating machine learning models to streamline analysis of large amounts of data), and Doing (applying machine learning and AI to leverage IoT and automate operations).
Learn about how companies like yours can implement these concepts and more at next month’s 6th annual Big Data and Analytics Summit Canada in Toronto.


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